haasomeapi.apis.AdvancedOrderApi module¶
(connectionstring: str, privatekey: str)¶ Bases:
The Advanced Order API Class. Gives access to the advanced order endpoints
Parameters: - connectionstring – str: Connection String Formatted Ex.
- privatekey – str: Private Key Set In The Haas Settings
(guid: str)¶ Activates an advanced order
Parameters: guid – str: advanced order guid Returns: HaasomeClientResponse
Returns: In .result AdvancedOrderBase
(accountguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, triggerprice: float, executionprice: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Create a stop order for a spot market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Buy / Sell)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- triggerprice – float: Trigger price to execute the stop
- executionprice – float: Price for the order to be placed at
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(accountguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, contractname: str, leverage: float, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, triggerprice: float, executionprice: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Create a stop order for a leverage/margin market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- contractname – str: Name of the contract (Options)
- leverage – float: Leverage percentage
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Long/Short)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- triggerprice – float: Trigger price to execute the stop
- executionprice – float: Price for the order to be placed at
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(accountguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, triggerprice: float, executionprice: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Createa take profit order for a spot market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Buy / Sell)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- triggerprice – float: Trigger price to execute the stop
- executionprice – float: Price for the order to be placed at
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(name: str, accountguid: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, contractname: str, leverage: float, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, triggerprice: float, executionprice: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Create a take profit order for a leverage/margin market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- contractname – str: Name of the contract (Options)
- leverage – float: Leverage percentage
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Long/Short)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- triggerprice – float: Trigger price to execute the stop
- executionprice – float: Price for the order to be placed at
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(accountguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, contractname: str, leverage: float, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, trailingstoppercentage: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Create trailing stop order for a leverage/margin market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- contractname – str: Name of the contract (Options)
- leverage – float: Leverage percentage
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Long/Short)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- trailingstoppercentage – float: Percentage for trailing top to follow
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(accountguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, trailingstoppercentage: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Create a trailing stop order for a spot market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Buy / Sell)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- trailingstoppercentage – float: Percentage for trailing top to follow
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(guid: str)¶ Deactivates an advanced order
Parameters: guid – str: advanced order guid Returns: HaasomeClientResponse
Returns: In .result AdvancedOrderBase
()¶ Retrieves the current created advanced orders
Returns: HaasomeClientResponse
Returns: In .result Dict[ AdvancedOrderBase
(guid: str)¶ Removes (deletes) advanced order
Parameters: guid – str: advanced order guid Returns: HaasomeClientResponse
Returns: In .result bool if success
(accountguid: str, orderguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, triggerprice: float, executionprice: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Modify a stop order for a spot market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- orderguid – str: The advanced order guid to modify
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Buy / Sell)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- triggerprice – float: Trigger price to execute the stop
- executionprice – float: Price for the order to be placed at
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(accountguid: str, orderguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, contractname: str, leverage: float, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, triggerprice: float, executionprice: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Modify a stop order for a leverage/margin market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- orderguid – str: The advanced order guid to modify
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- contractname – str: Name of the contract (Options)
- leverage – float: Leverage percentage
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Long/Short)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- triggerprice – float: Trigger price to execute the stop
- executionprice – float: Price for the order to be placed at
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(accountguid: str, orderguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, triggerprice: float, executionprice: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Modify take profit order for a spot market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- orderguid – str: The advanced order guid to modify
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Buy / Sell)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- triggerprice – float: Trigger price to execute the stop
- executionprice – float: Price for the order to be placed at
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(accountguid: str, orderguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, contractname: str, leverage: float, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, triggerprice: float, executionprice: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Modify a take profit order for a leverage/margin market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- orderguid – str: The advanced order guid to modify
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- contractname – str: Name of the contract (Options)
- leverage – float: Leverage percentage
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Long/Short)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- triggerprice – float: Trigger price to execute the stop
- executionprice – float: Price for the order to be placed at
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(accountguid: str, orderguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, contractname: str, leverage: float, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, trailingstoppercentage: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Modify trailing stop order for a leverage/margin market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- orderguid – str: The advanced order guid to modify
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- contractname – str: Name of the contract (Options)
- leverage – float: Leverage percentage
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Long/Short)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- trailingstoppercentage – float: Percentage for trailing top to follow
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result
(accountguid: str, orderguid: str, name: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, executingtemplateguid: str, trailingstoppercentage: float, amount: float, startorderonactivation: bool, startorderprice: float, starttemplateguid: str, activate: bool)¶ Modify a trailing stop order for a spot market
Parameters: - accountguid – str: The account guid
- orderguid – str: The advanced order guid to modify
- name – str: Name of the advanced order
- primarycoin – str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB
- secondarycoin – str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC
- direction – EnumOrderType: Order Direction (Buy / Sell)
- executingtemplateguid – str: Executing Template To Use
- trailingstoppercentage – float: Percentage for trailing top to follow
- amount – float: Trade Amount
- startorderonactivation – bool: Start the adavnced order only on activation
- startorderprice – float: What price to start the order
- starttemplateguid – str: The template guid to use for the order
- activate – bool: Activate the order.
Returns: Returns: In .result